What is supervision?

Supervision sessions are offered on a group and 1:1 basis, helping people gain clarity in their work. While we all come with a wealth of knowledge and expertise, we all have biases and blind spots. There may even be some old biases and assumptions that supervision is a police style, hierarchy approach with someone looking over your shoulder, waiting to pounce on your ‘mistakes’.

Relational supervision is a collaborative experience to support people to reflect on their work.

The supervisor and supervisee meet with a willingness for mutuality and reciprocity in service of everyone; student’s, clients, coaches and mentors and the GCA.

Supervision gifts people with a mirror to be able to see what they may previously have not, it challenges us all to be curious about how we work and why, what is working well and what can be improved. It is the safe place where people can verbalise their experiences, concerns, struggles, triumphs, and relationships with their clients. Supervision allows you to step into the highest, clearest, brightest version of yourself as you walk alongside your mentees and thus can help them do the same.

Supervision sits alongside your bank of wisdom and prior formal learning and your ongoing professional and personal development, providing an extra layer that invites another dimension of understanding and clarity. Research has shown that supervision increases the efficacy of the supervisor and benefits both the supervisee and their clients (mentees) as well as the outcomes of mentoring. Engaging in supervision is becoming an industry standard and is a vehicle to raise the bar on ethical practice and duty of care.


Claire Newman is a Clinical Psychotherapist, Certified Transactional Analyst, Psychotherapeutic Counsellor, Life Coach, Mentor and registered Teacher. MSc (Psych), MSc (Ed), CTA (Psych), PGDip (Psych), PGDip (Couns). UKCP and BACP registered.

Claire is a fully qualified and registered Clinical Psychotherapist, Counsellor, Teacher, Life Coach and Mentor who has been working in clinical practice since 2012 and private practice since 2007. She started her career in the Mental Health sector, having worked in brain injury rehab, drug and alcohol rehab; eating disorder rehab; forensic units and ICU; community homes and adolescents with challenging behaviour. Claire participated in the very first intake for the Global Coaching Academy’s Life Coaching and Mentoring course many years ago, which opened a doorway for ongoing professional development to support people with deep psychological change and transformation.

She provides clinical supervision for fellow professionals and organisations, overseeing safe and ethical practice while holding the space for mutual curiosity and deep reflection. Claire champions both continuing professional development (CPD) and personal development as the foundational key to raise the bar within the ‘helping’ industries, in service of the people we work with. Thus, she continuously upskills and offers this learning in various CPD courses and workshops.

Claire runs a private practice offering 1:1 and group sessions combining therapy, coaching, and mentoring for healing and transformation. She works with clients to address the past experiences that hinder them in the present to create awareness, autonomy, and personal freedom. She has a special interest and clinical training to support people move beyond relational trauma, such as abuse and has facilitated several group therapy programs to help people heal. Her passion is to get to the heart of the matter, by holding a compassionate, kind, yet firm, loving space. She knows that everyone already has the answers within them and is far more capable than they currently perceive.

In addition, she has a background in Holistic Therapies, Teaching and is a registered Groove dance facilitator. She works within a humanistic framework and brings spiritual and psychological approaches to deal with life’s challenges. Her varied background, training and personal expertise supports the inter-weaving dance of psychology, therapy, life coaching and mentoring alongside tools, techniques and perspectives from her decades of training with a metaphysical spiritual school. Blending the heart and mind, the seen and unseen, the eastern and western approaches for psychological clarity, where heart, body, mind and soul are awakened. She finds it to be a privilege to work with people. It is a two-way, co-creative approach, where growth occurs when the intention is to find new and better ways to live.

Claire is a member of BACP, UKCP, IARTA, EATA and Metanoia Institute and works within their ethical framework for clinical practice.


Contact Claire at claire@unitymail.com.au for more information.