Meet Our Graduates

Maggie McCormack
Sophia Clewley
Jen De Oliveira
Brian McGarry
Stacey Lavender
Charlie Cousins

We met while completing the Coaching and Mentoring Cert IV at Global Coaching Academy in 2013. We soon discovered our shared interest in teaching young children, and a few years later, we created Courageous Hearts – a self-awareness and mindfulness program for children from 5-12 years. Our program aims to help young children develop more awareness of their feelings and manage stress, anxiety and fear. We encourage, model and help foster kindness, resilience and uniqueness. Through Courageous Hearts, we have delivered workshops and talks to parents, teachers and educational assistants on self-esteem, meditation and developing resilience and worthiness in today's young children.

Studying at the GCA inspired us to be coaches and mentors and apply the valuable skills we learnt to start our own business.  We learnt how to appreciate and bring our uniqueness to a project and weave kindness into its teachings. The GCA guided us to create a vision and showed us the steps to build a business, Belinda and her team inspired, motivated, and supported.

We are both early childhood and primary trained teachers with a combined 50 years teaching experience. We began Courageous Hearts in 2015 and run classes in a variety of locations in Perth, WA. We aim to create programs to inspire and educate children, teachers and schools.

Peta Hurley and Lee-Anne Groenewegen - Courageous Hearts

Working with the courses the Global Coaching Academy has to offer has improved my personal and professional life in a variety of ways.  In my clinical setting it allowed me to assess the roles that I was playing and realign them to get better outcomes both for my patients and for myself.  I was able to decrease my stress levels and improve my time management.  I became a more effective healer through learning to set my intentions to listen and holding a field of compassion for my patients.

Within the clinic I used the tools I learned to work with my staff to improve patient care and inter staff relationships.  This was especially helpful in customer service and dealing with difficult clients.  We all learned to work more effectively with each other.

My experience with the Global Coaching Academy has now allowed me to set up my own practice and apply the tools in the creation and implementation of this practice.  What I have learned has been invaluable to me and my staff.

There is nothing else quite like the Global Coaching Academy training. It truly is revolutionary. It frees you from fear and provides insight into who you really are like nothing I have ever known before. A voyage of self discovery and self empowerment that was so much fun it makes me smile just thinking about it. Do yourself a favour and really explore this training and it will change your life.

Dr. Jennifer Cornell - General Practitioner, Perth, WA

As a commercial attorney and partner in an AV Rated law firm in the United States, I have found the Global Coaching Academy 's Life Coaching and Mentoring Program to be invaluable to my business. I am clearer, grounded and more able to make a difference as a result of the Global Coaching Academy's teachings and ongoing support.  As an attorney, I often deal with people who are angry, confrontational and upset. The Global Coaching Academy has shown me how to maintain clear and appropriate boundaries, be compassionate and not take things personally while negotiating settlements, managing my staff and marketing my company. I used to be stressed, anxious and overwhelmed at work, and this manifested as personality conflicts and tension between various members of my staff. Now I feel calm and filled with a sense of wonder and joy, and my staff works more harmoniously together as a team with each person doing what needs to do be done.  My firm is also more prosperous; money, clients and marketing opportunities are flowing to the firm where it used to feel like work and a struggle to 'get ahead'. I am forever grateful to the Global Coaching Academy and the Cosmosis Mentoring Centre for opening a whole new way being to me as a professional and entrepreneur.  I highly recommend its classes, mentoring program, certifications, diplomas and retreats.

Arlene Cohen Miller, J.D. Attorney - Partner, Miller & Cohen, P.C. Longmont, Colorado, USA

The Global Coaching Academy’s Certificate IV in Mentoring and Coaching ticked all the boxes for me.  It is an extremely thorough and comprehensive course yet delivered in a practical, easily understood format.  I particularly liked the mentoring element that flows throughout the Course and is integral to its unique application, with the ensuing success in developing mastery of one’s own attitude towards life.

The facilitators truly “walk their talk” in demonstrating a nurturing, positive unconditional regard for each student as they are encouraged to find their own authenticity and values and enhanced personal growth in the process of becoming a life/work coach and mentor of integrity.

My life has been greatly enriched and I am currently employing the skills and insights I gained, in my work as a mentor at Laverton P-12 College and as a contributing community member.

Kay Irene Webster - performing arts mentor and coach, school student tutor and mentor, Melbourne, Vic

A key element of consulting in any field is the ability to listen, understand and be committed to taking your client on a journey. In many instances clients don't know what they want. They just want advice. The skills and experience I've been able to build through studying with the Global Coaching Academy has strengthened my capacity to see each client as a unique individual, discovering their own unique journey. Incorporating this from both an individual and professional perspective has helped by be a better consultant, delivering richer outcomes for my clients.

It has also helped me to examine my own journey, allowing me to see and clear that which stands in the way of me being my potential. I am now taking this understanding further into the technology community, helping others manage professional and personal situations and raising awareness how this can change the way we interact in all moments.

If you have a genuine interest in self discovery, achieving your potential and allowing that to manifest in both personal and professional spheres, you would be well served investing your energy studying with the Global Coaching Academy.

Campbell Carew - IT Consultant, Centre for IT Excellence

The Certificate IV in Coaching and Mentoring gave me a whole new perspective as an instructor of meditation. It shifted me from making my work, which I love, from being about me... to being about my clients. This has been invaluable learning and with this infusion of humility I am empowered to step whole heartedly into my profession and expand.

Patti Roberts - Women’s Health Centre Owner and wellness coach, Perth & Bunbury, WA

Thank you so much for the support and encouragement over the duration of the course. It’s been fun, challenging but mostly fun, learning to see the wood from the tree's at the end. The team facilitating the course do an amazing job and it’s with heartfelt thanks and a huge smile that I send this. It’s been one of the most transformational things I've done, taking time to acknowledge that.

James Woods - financial planner, mentor and coach to the wealthy, London, UK

After searching for a few months, gathering information on different Life Coaching academies, I came across the Global Coaching Academy. As soon as I had spoken to Belinda, I knew in my heart that I was in the right place, so I signed up to do Cert IV Coaching and Mentoring.

It is one of the most unforgettable experiences I will ever have. I learnt not only amazing and powerful skills, but learnt how to laugh, and laugh at myself, and to explore unlimited potential. The opportunities are boundless, if you choose to go there; it’s all up to you.

If you are looking to get qualified to become a life coach and mentor, and you want to be, and learn much, much more than the ‘average bear’, this is the place to be.  They speak the truth, on everything they offer, and more. You will be surprised on your own inner journey that you will take, and the potential that is inside all of us.

Inca IX - Global Hearts, mentor, coach, tutor and facilitator

The Global Coaching Academy's Certificate 1V on Coaching and Mentoring teaches you everything you need to know about Coaching and Mentoring and how to build a successful business. The tools and information you gather whilst completing each assignment assist you in everyday life as well as how to be a great Coach and Mentor.

I found the course improved my confidence and I learned a lot about myself, I delved into areas I wouldn't normally have delved into. A very worthwhile course in many ways.

Diana Holden - manager, Melbourne, Vic

As a facilitator of a leadership program in a public health setting I use a variety of tools to assist clinicians to recognize their strengths and build from that firm foundation. Deepening an understanding of who we are as leaders requires an awareness of what we do so we can make conscious choices to do more of what is working and let go of what isn’t.

The Certificate IV in Coaching and Mentoring has been invaluable assisting me to deepen my understanding of how to build relationships with people where creating a safe space for participants to explore and access their knowing creates transformation. Clinicians often don’t recognize what they have to offer as they are so busy just getting on with what needs doing. Creating a space where there is time and value in reflection builds an awareness of what each is contributing and how these skills can be transferred to the teams they lead builds confidence and an appreciation of the unique gift each brings.

As a facilitator I am continually learning how to deliver the program more effectively and this course has been instrumental in clearing my limitations and barriers allowing me to assist others to do the same if they choose.

Julie Skinner - Registered nurse and trainer in the Public Health System

Words fall drastically short in describing all that I've gotten out of this course. To say that my life has been altered for the better, profoundly and deeply, is no underestimation of my experience. I found all my relationships improving as I got to know myself better through this course. What is most amazing is that I acquired tools that enable me to translate the transformation happening in my life to others so that they are able to experience similar transformation. How fantastic is that? It is one thing to find an effective avenue for life transformation. In my way of thinking, it is so much more to understand well enough what has occurred such that I can facilitate that happening in another's life.

The course is simply written and profoundly facilitated. In my opinion there is no limit to what is made available through this course. I'm able to access as much or as little as I desire. I find myself very grateful for what I've discovered thru this course. I hope that you will be as well.

Miles Moody - veterinarian, photographer, writer and mentor, Concord, NC, USA

I have found the Mentoring and Coaching Course with the Global Coaching Academy to be beneficial on many levels. Unlike many other courses I have felt a complete wholistic and integrated approach, allowing you to see your own dynamics, patterns and programmes so that you can take the responsibility to coach yourself and transcend these so you can stand more fully in your personal power enabling you to assist your future clients.

There is so much knowledge and wisdom to be accessed by taking this course, and you know that you are being guided and taught by someone who really walks her talk, gaining your full respect and trust.

Claire Newman - New Possibilities Consultancy, family mentor and coach, childcare worker, tutor and facilitator, London, UK

This course taught me to work more deeply with myself, shining the light on limiting beliefs and clearing out fear. It has really enhanced the way I relate to people, I’m enjoying communicating more where before I genuinely didn’t, I’m becoming curious and interested on different levels and I’m particularly excited that I am now using these wonderful skills with others who are open to moving through their limiting beliefs also. I have a reflexology practice and work on a wide variety of people. As clients do bring many different issues into the clinic I am now able to work on a more wholistic level, with more clarity and confidence.

Belinda, the course mentor is an enormous support, her enthusiasm and belief in what she is able to share and co-create just floods out into the group and as a distance learning course we were encouraged to relate with other students which just makes it all the more enjoyable.

Debbie Bates - Vital Points Reflexology